For years, I’ve looked across Hourglass Lake at the creepy remains of what was meant to be the other half of Disney’s POP Century Resort – The Legendary Years…

POP Century represents the 1950’s through the 1990’s. The Legendary Years would have been the 1900’s through the 1940’s, but the project was abandoned around 2001. I’ve read conflicting reports about why the resort was never completed, with most saying that it was due to the reduction of visitors after 9/11. Whatever the reason, there has been a mirror image resort sitting there for over 10 years – the main building and a few shells of guest rooms way over yonder. The bridge over Hourglass Lake (Generation Gap) ended in a wall.

Then… the rumors started and the construction crews arrived…

The Legendary Years were scrapped, and the new family resort, Disney’s art of ANIMATION was born.

I have to tell you, it’s really weird standing on the “other side” of the bridge looking back at POP.

And in a few months, we are scheduled to stay in those creepy empty shells that are now the single rooms of the Little Mermaid section.

And now for what you’ve been waiting for: pics of the resort! I will review the food court in another post soon. The Cars and Finding Nemo sections have been open for a month or so and the Lion King just opened – I’ll get pictures of that for you next month. Enjoy!

Next post, we’ll go inside Animation Hall!