Several colors, in fact.
This beautiful bud is growing in my garden, and although it is so pretty as it is (pink), it wanted to try on some new looks…

One of the most popular events of the summer here in Rhode Island is the Air Show in Quonset. It’s held along with the Rhode Island National Guard Open house and is great family fun with proceeds benefitting the Hasbro Children’s Hospital.
It’s also a great place to take pictures of planes and people. I’ll be sharing my Strangers series soon – in the meantime, here are some flying beauties…
Starting with the Army Black Daggers jumpers
Sean D. Tucker took our breath away with his bright red Oracle plane
John Klatt thrilled us
The Jelly Belly plane brought color and made us laugh
And more…
I’m a little biased in favor of the helicopters – my dad was a helicopter pilot in Vietnam (thanks, Dad!). There was only one this time, the Black Hawk. I texted my dad during the show and he said he never flew one, but he supervised putting the first one together at Ft. Eustis!
The Geico Skytypers were pretty amazing
And, the grand finale… The Thunderbirds!!!!
As you can see, it was a beautiful day. I was shooting with my Canon 55-250mm IS – it seemed to like the Thunderbirds most of all. Probably not the ideal lens for an air show (I may have been a little jealous of my friend’s 500mm), but it was fairly light to hold all day and got the job done.
The other night I had a dream about a parrot who turned into my mom’s cat. I woke up to a hawk sweeping past my bedroom window. What does it all mean? No clue, but I grabbed my camera and found a couple critters hanging around when I took the dog out.
These two are deadly, but so beautiful…
I’m not sure what kind of hawk they are – possibly Cooper Hawks. They are huge! The first one swooped over Woody, and was about the same size, or bigger. If anyone knows about birds, please comment and let me know what you think.
Update: A coworker helped me do a little research, and we think they are Red-Shouldered Hawks – probably young ones.
When the hawks took off, a little friend came to visit…